Download Automatic Music Detection in Television Productions
This paper presents methods for the automatic detection of music within audio streams, in the fore- or background. The problem occurs in the context of a real-world application, namely, the analysis of TV productions w.r.t. the use of music. In contrast to plain speech/music discrimination, the problem of detecting music in TV productions is extremely difficult, since music is often used to accentuate scenes while concurrently speech and any kind of noise signals might be present. We present results of extensive experiments with a set of standard machine learning algorithms and standard features, investigate the difference between frame-level and clip-level features, and demonstrate the importance of the application of smoothing functions as a post-processing step. Finally, we propose a new feature, called Continuous Frequency Activation (CFA), especially designed for music detection, and show experimentally that this feature is more precise than the other approaches in identifying segments with music in audio streams.
Download Enhanced Beat Tracking with Context-Aware Neural Networks
We present two new beat tracking algorithms based on the autocorrelation analysis, which showed state-of-the-art performance in the MIREX 2010 beat tracking contest. Unlike the traditional approach of processing a list of onsets, we propose to use a bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory recurrent neural network to perform a frame by frame beat classification of the signal. As inputs to the network the spectral features of the audio signal and their relative differences are used. The network transforms the signal directly into a beat activation function. An autocorrelation function is then used to determine the predominant tempo to eliminate the erroneously detected - or complement the missing - beats. The first algorithm is tuned for music with constant tempo, whereas the second algorithm is further capable to follow changes in tempo and time signature.
Download Online Real-time Onset Detection with Recurrent Neural Networks
We present a new onset detection algorithm which operates online in real time without delay. Our method incorporates a recurrent neural network to model the sequence of onsets based solely on causal audio signal information. Comparative performance against existing state-of-the-art online and offline algorithms was evaluated using a very large database. The new method – despite being an online algorithm – shows performance only slightly short of the best existing offline methods while outperforming standard approaches.